3 Dec

3 Dec

Lake of Lights 2023

The festive season can be especially difficult for those who are coping with loss. The Thomas Theyer Foundation Lake of Lights is a beautiful and supportive event open to all who wish to remember a loved one lost by dedicating a light to them.


The festive season can be especially difficult for those who are coping with loss. The Thomas Theyer Foundation Lake of Lights is a beautiful and supportive event open to all who wish to remember a loved one lost by dedicating a light to them.

The event will be held at the Pavilion Gardens Boating lake in Buxton where dedicated tealights will be floated out onto the lake, followed by an atmospheric laser show and music.

Event details

To dedicate a light please donate a minimum of £10 following the Just Giving link. Lake of Lights 2023 (3rd December 2023) – JustGiving When you make your dedication, please enter the name of the person you are remembering (where it says Name to appear on page) and then in the message box please write your dedication and name/s of those remembering their loved one. On the evening some of these dedications will be read out before the lights are floated out on the boating lake.

Lights can be collected from the TTF team by the Kiosk area at the Boating Lake. At approximately 5.00pm the event will start. Hot drinks will be available, but please wrap up warm.

This is not a ticketed event we welcome anybody to attend to see the lights and donate through Just Giving or on the evening.

TTF organises this event for the local community, your donation is used to cover the costs of the event and the rest goes towards the charities work. We are therefore unable to refund donations should, for any reason the event has to be cancelled, for example due to adverse weather conditions. In this situation the charity would endeavour to re-schedule. If you have any queries, please contact the TTF team. We look forward to welcoming you and remembering your loved one/s.

If you are unable to attend but would like to remember someone, please e-mail: fundraising@thomastheyerfoundation.org.uk and we will make sure a light is floated in memory of your loved one.